
Participants from one of our beekeeping training courses!

Contributions from our generous supporters help to further the initiatives of Maasai Honey. Funds allow us to expand our apiaries, conduct valuable trainings, and acquire beekeeping equipment for trainees. Hive donations support our honeybee conservation efforts and increases our capacity to reach more under-served villagers. Maasai Honey is a registered non-profit; all donations are tax deductible, as allowed by United States law.

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Nashiluni sits with a donated beehive

Donate a Hive

A beekeeper’s greatest assets are their hives, and the more hives they have, the more honey they can produce! Besides boosting production, hives also provide valuable homes for native African honeybees.

We use Langstroth commercial beehives in our apiaries, handmade by local carpenters in Arusha City, Tanzania. The hives are made with an especially hard wood, built to last many years by resisting wear from weather and wildlife.

Who receives the hives?

Female beekeepers trained in the Maasai Honey training program become a part of the Namelock Beekeeping Cooperative. With over 50 members, the cooperative includes both experienced, long-time beekeepers as well as newly trained beginners. Each group works together at their apiary site, but hives are owned by individual members.

Newly trained beekeepers, as well as those with only 1 or 2 hives, are the recipients of donated beehives! This allows beginner beekeepers to build on their beekeeping foundation and produce more honey. When a new hive is received, it is baited with beeswax and placed in the forest to attract a colony. Once bees move in, it takes about 1 year for a colony produce honey. Beekeepers with at least 4 hives are able to generate a more substantial income to support their family.

Donate a Hive


Over the years Maasai Honey has grown and expanded, serving more customers throughout Tanzania and also exporting honey to the USA! All of the honey that we sell comes from our network of beekeepers, so honey sales directly support these rural beekeepers, their families, and communities.

Still, we are facing limitations due to our very small production unit. This challenge has inspired us to build our own production unit in order to meet the growing demands of the project! Beyond providing a suitable space for work tasks (pressing honeycomb, packing honey, and storing honey), having our own unit will reduce project costs in the long term, allowing income from honey sales to support more beekeepers, rather than covering overhead costs.

You can help us to make this goal a reality!

Donate Now


Maasai Honey is registered as a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, with EIN 46-1107937